Become a member

Why join?

With rising co-pays and deductibles amounting to hundreds of dollars for emergency ambulance transportation, you have the peace of mind knowing you will not be responsible to pay any amounts not covered by your health insurance provider.

Your tax-deductible contribution of $90 for families, $70 for individuals or $60 for couples over 65 years old* will entitle you and your dependents residing with you to receive unlimited ambulance service from us through June 30, 2025 for no out-of-pocket cost. We will waive any coinsurance or deductible after billing your health insurance. If you do not have health insurance, we will waive the entire cost of our services! This is a small price to pay for such an important service.

*Your subscription is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Please check with you income tax preparer.

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